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*Purposes: Respond to your requests and send you commercial information about our products and services, including by email. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. Recipients: No data transfers are foreseen. Rights: You can withdraw your consent at any time, as well as access, rectify, delete your data and other rights by contacting ADDKEM Specialties, S.L. Additional Information: You can expand the information in the link of Legal Notices and Privacy Policy.

We are in:

Ronda Narciso Monturiol Nº5 – 2º – pta. 05 
Parque Tecnológico de Paterna – 46980 Paterna, Valencia (Spain)
Telf: +34 96 303 50 63

Thank you for your interest in ADDKEM Specialties, S.L. We remain at your disposal to expand any information related to our product catalog and / or our Solutions area.

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